Happy Holidays,
I hope that you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. Even during this COVID-19 virus pandemic, we have so much to be thankful. As you can see, things are brightening up around the neighborhood. We are finalizing the entrance monument, gazebo lighting and decorations thanks to Isabel, Rene, and Chris. It is our hope that the entire community will join in lighting up the neighborhood in recognition and appreciation of the real reason for the season … God is with us! On behalf of the Emerald Lake Estates Homeowners Association – Board of Directors … let me be the first to say:
MAINTENANCE & COMPLIANCE – Frank Brunson, Vice President
The Maintenance and Compliance Committee routinely review the common areas and each induvial home site in ELEHOA to ensure compliance with the governing documents. Our community is located in the City of Garland and therefore must comply with the laws, city code, and all legal governing documents as it pertains to home ownership.
These governing legal documents exist in part to protect and assist the community in preserving the aesthetic harmony of the community which is a major factor in influencing home buyers in selecting a place to live.
Each homeowner is required to maintain their home site and all other apparatus that serve only the home site in a manner consistent with ELEHOA Governing Documents and the City of Garland Laws and codes.
TREASURER – Rene Lewalling, Director
I would like to thank our homeowners for paying their dues in a timely manner. This has enabled the HOA to retain the $300 per year assessment. I know 2020 as been difficult on many of us and we are always willing to work with each homeowner if you fall behind or need a payment arrangement. Invoices will go out around December 26, 2020 for the 2021 assessment.
HOSPITALITY – Isabel Elwell, Director
Wishing you a Happy Holiday Season! Hope that everyone is enjoying the Christmas lights decorations. If you wish to hang a decoration representing your family you can, but please remember the floor is cement. We will be delivering a small token of appreciation to all soon! Hoping the New Year will find all Healthy and Safe.
Homeowners … Please go to the Emerald Lake Estate Homeowners Association (ELEHOA) website ( and register as the new norm calls for electronic notification to homeowners regarding meetings, special events, neighborhood crime watch, and other important information/instructions.
Homeowners receive a Notice and Agenda in their emails informing them about the ELEHOA monthly meetings, time, and agenda. Registration is required to attend the monthly board meetings: Meeting ID: 864 5607 6290
Registration Link:
Occasionally, it becomes necessary to notify a homeowner about an infraction set forth in the Declaration of Covenant and Restrictions (DC&Rs). All homeowners should have received a copy of this document along with the Bylaws (Governing Documents) when we purchased our homes. These documents can be reviewed and downloaded from the ELEHOA website. You must be registered on the website to download documents.
Homeowners are encouraged to be good neighbors and communicate with one another when infractions/violations occur. If the neighbor does not feel comfortable communicating an infraction, they are encouraged to contact the Emerald Lake Estate Board of Directors (The Board) and/or appropriate local compliance organization (City of Garland: Code Compliance, Animal Control, Streets and Alleyways, etc.). It is our hope that infractions/violations will not escalate once a neighbor-to-neighbor communication has been established.
The Board will notify the homeowner (face-to-face, telephone, email, citation, etc.…) when infractions have been reported. The homeowner will be provided ample opportunity to correct the infraction and the matter will be resolved. A procedural manual is being prepared and will be provided to all homeowners upon completion. Your assistance and support in enforcing the governing documents of the association are very much appreciated.
The Board has received numerous inquiries regarding business and homeowner vehicles parked on the streets. Homeowners and business vehicles were forbidden to park on the streets prior to the “Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Emerald Lake, 1/18.” There have been incidents where school busses have had to back up and take another route because the number of automobiles and how they were parked would not allow passage. The board can revisit this concern if it is an issue for enough homeowners. This is also one of the reasons homeowners are encouraged to review the DC&Rs to be aware of the current amended restrictions/violations.
The Board will be working on guidelines for The Yard o the Month program during January and February to be implemented in the Spring. Homeowners are encouraged to let the board know through the website ( if you would be interested in serving on this committee. It should be fun and contribute to community beautification.